TQ Wire Plug n Play Switched Balance Extension for iCharger

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SKU 2214
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Beschreibung / TQ Wire Plug n Play Switched Balance Extension for iCharger

The 2214 PLUG n PLAY SWITCHED balance extension for iChargers (4010,308 & 406) has a switch to change the sensing wires from 1S to 2S.

For use with our 2620 complete charge cable assy. The 2214 switch extension is inserted between the charge cables balance plug and the RIGHT SIDE of iChargers balance port.

1S move the switch towards the charger (position 1), use only the positive/negative leads for a 1S battery and youre setup for 1S charging.

2S move the switch towards you (position 2), use the positive/negative leads AND the balance lead and youre setup for 2S charging.

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