Hobbywing XeRun V10 G3 5T

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SKU 30401116
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Beschreibung / Hobbywing XeRun V10 G3 5T

The engine Hobbywing XeRun V10 G3 5T has been completely redesigned and optimised for competition use. From stock to modified, the right engine is always in the correct performance class. All G3 series engines are equipped with sensors.


  • New design for optimal performance
  • Linear and first-class performance development
  • Housing optimised for weight and cooling
  • Ball bearings optimised for load distribution
  • Fine-tunable mechanical timing
  • Easily dismantled for maintenance
  • Together, this translates into an engine that performs at the highest levels in terms of performance, durability, and perfect power development.

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Marke Hobbywing
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